I spent a good deal of time in the dream, tripping out on the flowers, wondering if as a guest I should sweep up the herbs, or if I should strew them in the room where the class was to be held.
I came to the conclusion that it was perfect, because everyone uses the bathroom and therefore, gets the purifying and healing medicine of the plants and also when you step on them it releases essential oils and each person carries that with them through the house creating a sort of herbal, magical weaving of scent and magic.
It wasn't until I began writing this that I am reminded of the obvious connection that I too, have a room with dried lavender strewn upon the floor. Our guest room aka the room always in transition, began with a vintage dresser purchased from a divey used furniture shop that needed a little purification. I bought it in the fall when it was time to cut back the lavender and I put big bunches into each drawer.
When the time came to put clothes into these drawers, I thought I would burn the flower stems, first because they smell divine and secondly as an offering.
I try to be thoughtful and even though it seems superstitious and old fashioned, I think offerings are very real and important. No matter if you leave flowers at the graveside of your ancestors, or money in an offering tray at church, or burning sacred (they all are) plants in the fire, each of us should find a way to take a moment every now and again to give thanks for all that we have been given.
Wow that was a tangent, so in the end I decided as an intermediary step (before the burning) that I would strew them about the floor and purify and bless the entire misused room and each time I go in to get a this-or-a-that the scent is activated and it's lovely.
just a thought.